A note from the HEADS


From September 29 - October 5, 2019, myself (Kate Braidwood) and Andrew Phoenix, Co-Artistic Directors of WONDERHEADS, traveled to Whitehorse YT in order to work with Open Pit Theatre on the first stage of development of our collaborative project, ‘Wonder-Pit Play Development,’ as well as conduct a mask performance workshop for members of the Whitehorse community.

It was a delight to have the opportunity to connect with the Whitehorse community and offer foundational techniques for physical theatre and mask performance.

Additionally, our week of work with Open Pit was incredibly fruitful and inspiring. Through research, writing exercises, image generation, and on-our-feet improvisation and devising, we laid a strong foundation for the narrative arc, theme, and style of this project. We also laid out a thoughtful and feasible plan for our approach to the upcoming phases of development, and we WONDERHEADS are excited about this collaborative process with Open Pit and the powerful potential of this project.  

~ Kate Braidwood & Andrew Phoenix

